Very nice stallion, 2nd placed at reopening appearance, Great of Plus-Minus Appearance, 1st placed in II. Classic Appearance on Salyza P.S., 1st placed in Stallion Cup from Synline, Perfect dressage horse, Not Too Lucky Horse, 3rd Placed of III. Smile of Fortune, Great Horse in Dressage Category, 2nd Placed of 'Game, Set, Match' Cup, Excellent Horse in M'sM, 1st Placed Horse in Swedish Appearance, Elite Horse in Swedish Appearance, 1st Placed Horse in What do you like? Competition, Elit Horse in Blue Category, Legszebb ló a mének versenyén, Great Horse in M'sM, Participant in Calvario, Great Horse in Dressage Category in M'sM, Good Horse in Appearance Category in M'sM, Best Horse on I. PP Stallion Review, 2nd Placed of Luxembourg's Grand Prix, Excellent Dressage Horse, 2nd Placed in Angelhoof Pony Center, 2nd Placed Horse in Grey Category, Pretty Horse in Summer Breeze Appearance, The Best Dreesage on BoW, 1st Placed on Black or White Dressage, Good Dressage Horse in Valley of Champions, Pretty Appearance Horse in Valley of Champions, Promising Horse in Lusitano Category, Great Baroyue Horse in M'sM, Good Horse in Benigma Dressage Cup. Good Dressage Horse in M'sM, Best Horse in Pearl Appearance, 1st Placed on Pearl Appearance, 2nd Placed of II. Musical Appearance, Beautiful Appearance Horse, 2nd of Farewell to Summer Dressage, Good Horse in Opál Category, Great Dressage Horse in s'Hertogenbosch, 2nd Placed of 'Indoor or Open?' Dressage, 1st of Farewell to Summer Appearance, 2nd Placed Dressage Horse in PHR, Excellent Horse in I. Champion Dressage, 2nd Placed Horse in Fairy Tail Dressage, Excellent Dressage Horse
Alap adatok
Neve: Visconde
Hívóneve: Visconde
Születési dátum: 2003.
Neme: mén
Fajtája: lusitano
Törzskönyvi adatok
Tk. neve: LML Visconde
Tk. száma: LML-V-8241
Vichy |
Garnier For You |
Fabulon on Your Face |
Nivea's Dream |
Avon with Sweet Colurs |
Dove Love |
Jelenleg fedez / fedeztethető? : igen/nem
Hol fedez? :
-New Hope Tenyészet
Csikói: -
Versenyzési adatok
Képzése: küllem, díjlovaglás
Versenyeinek száma: 37 db (10-14-7-6)
Pénznyeremény: 10.500.000 Ft
Edzésterv: -
1. hely: What do You Like? | kék | life-style.gp
1. hely: I. Classic Appearance | Nyár-Vivaldi | salyza.gp
1. hely: Stallion Cup | díjlovaglás | horseyy.gp
1. hely: Swedish Appearance | díjlovaglás | life-style.gp
1. hely: I.GV Stallions Appearance | - | equestrian-races.gp
1. hely: Társoldalak Versenye | mének/heréltek | lopopofogo.gp *abszolút győztes
1. hely: I. PP Stallion Review | - | paralia-park.gp
1. hely: Black or White Dressage | fehér | ponysland.gp
1. hely: Pearl Appearance | mének | horsesranch.gp
1. hely: Farewell to Summer Appearanve | mének | paralia-park.gp
2. hely: Reopening Appearance | mén/herélt | avalon-online.gp
2. hely: Plus-Minus Appearance | minus/szürkék-tarkák | shagyarab.gp
2. hely: 'Game, Set, Match' Cup | díjlovaglás/kezdő | ponyisland.gp
2. hely: Winners' Appearance | 1-8 eredmény | avlp.gp
2. hely: Luxembourg's Grand Prix | Luxembourg City's GP | ponyisland.gp
2. hely: What's Your Colour? Appearance | szürke | angelhoof.gp
2. hely: ELITE Opening Competition | díjlovaglás/kezdő | vochampions.gp
2. hely: Dressage Cup | díjlovaglás/kezdő | benigma.gp
2. hely: II. Musical Appearance | The Present Hits Trophy | ponyisland.gp
2. hely: Farewell to Summer Dressage | kezdő | paralia-park.gp
2. hely: Indoor or Open? Dressage | fedett pálya | ponyisland.gp
2. hely: I. Champion Dressage | haladó | championrace.gp
2. hely: Szakágak Szépe Küllemverseny | díjlovaglás/mének | ponysland.gp
2. hely: Fairy Tail Dressage | Charle | perfections.gp
3. hely: III. Smile of Fortune | - | ponyisland.gp
3. hely: II. Cards Appearance | King | avlp.gp
3. hely: II. Equestrian Appearance | díjlovaglás/haladó | avlp.gp
3. hely: ELITE Fajtakategóriás Küllem | lusitano | lovas-centrum.gp
3. hely: Baroque Appearance | lusitano | avlp.gp
3. hely: VIII. Mistral's Dressage | haladó | avlp.gp
3. hely: Mineral Dressage Cup | Opál (haladó) | lovas-centrum.gp
4. hely: ELITE Opening Competition | díjlovaglás/kezdő | vochampions.gp
4. hely: II. Equestrian Appearance | küllem/mén | avlp.gp
4. hely: Summer Breeze Appearance | mének/heréltek | lopopofogo.gp
4. hely: Autumn Cup of 2013 | díjlovaglás | patanevelde.gp
5. hely: Mineral Dressage Cup | Hematit (küllem) | lovas-centrum.gp
9. hely: I. Calvario Küllem | II. kategória | bad-religion.gp
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